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How living spaces can trigger healthy habits

It's often underestimated how significantly our daily surroundings can influence our overall well-being, both physically and emotionally. The colors, shapes, textures, patterns of the objects you use daily, the interiors you inhabit, and even the clothing you choose to wear all possess the potential to either enhance or hinder you. Therefore, it's crucial to curate these surroundings with mindfulness, recognizing that they are not just passive backdrops but active vehicles for shaping your thoughts, feelings, and actions, making them a crucial element of your wellness strategy.

Drawing from insights in habit and environmental psychology, we understand that contextual cues have a remarkable impact on our automatic actions. Think about putting on your seatbelt as soon as you enter a car, brushing your teeth upon entering the bathroom each morning, or stepping onto the yoga mat when it's neatly laid out on the floor without requiring you to fetch it from the closet. These actions become second nature, effortlessly etched into your routine. Your brain thrives on such habits for efficiency, freeing up mental resources for other tasks. Your daily surroundings play a pivotal role in this process, shaping your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

By thoughtfully curating our living spaces, we can create an environment that nurtures healthy habits and renders our wellness goals more attainable. Rather than relying solely on discipline, we can harness the power of our surroundings to positively influence us, effectively guiding us closer to our objectives and making the wellness journey smoother and more enjoyable. Consider the following examples:

  • Kitchen Design: Configure your kitchen layout to make healthy food choices the most accessible. Keep fresh fruits and vegetables within arm's reach, while placing less nutritious options in less convenient spots. This approach subtly encourages you to make healthier food choices without conscious effort.

  • Exercise Space: Dedicate a dedicated area within your living space for exercise. By designating a workout space, you increase the likelihood of engaging in regular physical activity.

  • Blue Light in Your Fridge: Switch your fridge light to a blue light bulb – it will curb your appetite and lead to eating less.

  • Indoor Plants in Your Home Office: The presence of indoor plants in your home office can trigger stress and anxiety relief, contributing to your overall well-being.

In conclusion, our daily surroundings have a profound impact on our well-being, influencing both our physical and emotional states. From the colors, shapes, and textures of our environments to the choices we make in clothing and daily objects, every decision can shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions. These surroundings are not passive backdrops but active tools for enhancing our wellness strategy.  Join me in Yoom's weekly newsletter every Friday, where I'll show you how to curate your daily surroundings to support your wellness goals.