How much should we really sweat?


In the wellness community, we are addicted to hot yoga classes in 100 degree rooms (if you don't leave a puddle of sweat by your mat at the end of the class, then it means it wasn't a good workout), we pay big money for 'sweat sessions' in infrared, steam and dry saunas, we run marathons in the midst of the Summer and we looooove spicy foods.

We're obsessed with anything that makes us SWEAT because sweating is 'healthy' and like anything that is good for us, we overdo it... to the point that it becomes a burden on our bodies (think juice cleanses, raw everything, facial scrubs, kombucha, Cross Fit etc.). 

Yes, sweating has loads of benefits and I'm not advocating you stop sweating... but what we rarely say is that OVER sweating can be harmful so let's be smarter about how we sweat.

  • The act of sweating itself (not the activities that make us sweat) detoxifies the body from heavy metals and endocrine disruptors, strengthens the cardiovascular system and it maintains the helpful micro-organisms that protect us from harmful bacteria.

  • On the other hand, excessive sweating is compared, in Ayurveda, with losing too much blood. It strips us away from the electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, phosphate and calcium) that our body depends on for many of its function including muscle contractions, transmission of nerve impulses, blood acidity & pressure balance and hydration. 



  1.  Sweat according to youR Mind & Body Type (TAKE QUIZ HERE)

    • EARTH types should aim to sweat as much as possible to help remove the excess fluids and fat they tend to hold onto naturally. 

    • FIRE types want to sweat only moderately as they run hotter naturally and sweat at lower temperatures. For them, over sweating can lead to heat stroke and irritability.

    • AIR types don't want to sweat all that much as they are dryer and don't hold onto any water naturally. For them, over sweating leads to dehydration, constipation and electrolyte imbalance.

2. Replace your electrolytes after sweating!

  • 'Ayurvedic Gatorade': warm water + mineral salt + lemon/lime recipe

  • Coconut water

  • Banana smoothie with lime and cardamom

  • Bone broth recipe

  • Trace mineral drops here

  • Electrolyte capsules here

This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.


CareFrance BrunelElectrolytes