March in your body


Victor Demarchelier


In Spring, your body naturally goes into cleansing and renewal mode. ⁠It's a season of transition characterized by warmth and increased moisture. Just like warm temperatures melt the snow on the ground, they also warm up and liquefy the accumulated fat and toxins that you accrued in your body during the Winter months. ⁠

In March specifically, as your layer of Winter fat begins to melt, it enriches your blood which congests your circulatory system. This shift triggers disorders including respiratory congestion, loss of appetite, sinus infection, and later in the season: allergies. You might even notice your skin feeling cool and moist, have excess water retention in the body, a constant drip in the back of the throat, and pressure in the ear canal. ⁠

Emotionally, March is a month of release of deep seated emotions which can cause sadness & grief ♥️⁠

Here are Ayurvedic diet & lifestyle tips for feeling your best in March:


  • Oily, rich and sweet foods ⁠


  • Anything green: leafy greens (spinach, Swiss Chard, tender young greens), broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussel sprouts, artichoke hearts, and chlorophyll rich foods like spirulina. ⁠Try this Swiss chard lentil bowl

  • Best time of the year for salads: munch on arugula, lettuce, spinach, endive or sprouts⁠

  • Top your meals with herb garnishes like cilantro, fresh parsley, celery, coriander, cumin⁠

  • Spice things up! Add with black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, chili and cayenne ⁠


  • Exercise is critical this time of year to shed your winter layer of fat and prevent congestion Read: Which workout is best for you⁠

  • Daily dry brush & self oil massage (takes 3min!)⁠

  • Avoid daytime naps as they are a sure fire way to increase your Earth qualities / March symptoms. ⁠


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