How to eat nightshades


Have you eaten bag of potato chips and noticed that your joints are tight the next day? This is because potatoes pertain to the Nightshades family (along with tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers and mushrooms) which can provoke inflammation, amongst other effects. ⁣⁣
Ayurveda recommends reducing or avoiding veggies & fruits that pertain to the Nightshades family, to all and especially if you have osteoporosis, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease or arthritis. Many Western researchers have also discovered they can be harmful to health as they can be toxic due to the presence of neurotoxins called glycoalkaloids: the natural pesticides produced by nightshade plants to protect themselves against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and insects. ⁣⁣


From a nutritional perspective, the ingestion of nightshades has a few significant biological effects:⁣⁣
🍄 Nightshades interfere with a neurotransmitter that is present in the nervous system.⁣⁣
🍄 They can cause inflammation in the joints.⁣⁣
🍄 Many nightshades contain immune-activating molecules that can provoke an allergic response, and when food allergies are present, they are best eliminated.⁣⁣
🍄 They can also dehydrate the fluid lubricating the joints which can worsen arthritis and associated bone disorders. ⁣⁣
🍄 It may also interfere with calcium metabolism, to worsen digestive sensitivity, sciatica, kidney and gallstone disorders.⁣⁣
From the perspective of Ayurveda, nightshades are aggravating to all Mind & Body Types as they are heating in nature (except for the white potato), dehydrating or moisture-provoking depending on your type and inflammatory in action.⁣⁣
On the mental, Nightshades can alter the state of mind. They are stimulating, preserving the inertia and passion states of mind.⁣⁣


If nightshades are not sensitive for you and they do not cause you unpleasant symptoms, here are some tips to enjoy nightshades in your diet:⁣⁣
1. Choose ripe nightshades which are less toxic ⁣⁣
2. Cook nightshades which reduces toxic content up to 50%
3. Eating nightshades once in a while is alright but it should not be an everyday habit

France Brunel