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In the AIR + EARTH type, AIR—which drives passion, creativity and adventure— combines with the very grounded nature of EARTH—which cannot be flustered and also enjoys putting the feet up and relaxing. This type can also be described as the ‘nurturing creative’.


AIR + EARTH individuals are made up of a unique combination of two opposing forces. This type combines a creative nature who loves change, moving fast and takes a chaotic approach to life (AIR) with calming and grounding qualities that typically gives rise to a desire for stability, order and routine (EARTH). Because of this duality, these individuals are usually creative and visionary types whose imagination is grounded by a calm, realistic and steady mind. They are also typically gentle, loving, tolerant and sensitive. And when they care about something, they approach if with a lot of enthusiasm. Although the different aspects of their Mind & Body type temper one another, their opposing needs may sometimes be confusing to them and can give rise to serious internal conflicts, leading to plenty of frustration at times so learning to listen to their body’s changing needs is particularly important for them. These individuals also have conflicting emotions, alternating between being laidback and anxious. When imbalanced, this type can be both, anxious and lethargic, suffering from a lack of discipline and disorientation. 


AIR + EARTH individuals can look either like a AIR type—small and delicate or tall and slender—or more like the large and strong EARTH type, with fluctuating weight. Their skin probably tends to be neither oily nor dry but somewhere in between—with moderate thickness. Due to poor blood circulation, their body tends to feel a bit cool most of the time, so they enjoy the sun and often prefer a warmer climate. Although they enjoy food as it helps them express their creativity, they are likely to have a subdued appetite and sluggish digestion. Imbalanced, these individuals are rather anxious, tend to be lethargic, prone to constipation, feeling cold, bloated, waking at night and/or excessive sleeping, frequent edema and stone formation. The AIR + EARTH types should be extra attentive to balancing their constantly changing condition with sufficient warmth, and adequate diet and lifestyle.



Ever wonder how to feel more balanced in your everyday? Ayurveda shows us that small lifestyle and diet changes can have a huge impact on our overall wellbeing.

Browse through the following guidelines to understand how to balance your AIR + EARTH Mind & Body Type. As you read through the suggestions below, keep in mind that no one expects you to shift your lifestyle and diet overnight. Slow and steady shifts are huge wins and, based on our experience, you’ll feel them right away. 


  1. Food: What we eat is at the crux of our wellbeing so take a look at the food guidelines below and try to follow them as much as you can.

    • Regularity of meals is very important to keep the AIR side of this type in balance, while food choices are more important for the EARTH side.

    • AIR + EARTH types have to make sure not to overeat, not to indulge in desserts and eat a light breakfast. EARTH types tend to have a slower metabolism and AIR types have a variable digestion so AIR + EARTH individuals have to pay close attention to the quantity of food and the consumption of simple carbohydrates, especially sugar, to prevent weight gain or developing hypoglycemia.

    • Eat only when hungry, or better still if the previous meal has been digested, marked by the return of appetite and a clear burp not smelling or tasting of previous meal, and lightness of stomach.

  2. Adapt to your changing needs: The AIR + EARTH type should balance his/her constantly changing condition with sufficient warmth, easiness, and care. Regular yoga, regular warm meals, and maintaining discipline are what they need to achieve a healthy balance. Daily routines that are as structured as possible support that process.

  3. Wake up early: Go to bed early and wake up early, before dawn. Think 6 or 7AM. This might sound drastic but AIR + EARTH types will tend to sleep too much which can make them stagnant, lethargic or slow to get going in the morning. Every minute you sleep beyond 7am will make you feel heavy and tired. Read How to finally sleep better

  4. Kickstart your circulation & metabolism first thing in the morning:

    • Start the day with a cup of hot ginger tea and a vigorous self-massage to get your circulation moving. Good circulation is at the crocks of a strong metabolism! Sleeping all night makes our circulation stagnant and we need to get that circulation moving first thing in the AM. Read Self body massage with oil

    • Workout daily, balancing vigorous & relaxing activities. Balance out soul cycle, or kickboxing class with yoga or time gardening, hiking, etc. Work hard, play hard.

  5. Every spring: Do a seasonal cleanse every spring (check out our 3 day Mind-Body Reset here) to help avoid seasonal allergies and keep you healthy fit and good tone.

  6. Ideal climate: Keep warm. AIR + EARTH types get cold very easily so dress warmly if you can’t avoid cold, damp & dry climates.


Healthy metabolism: Blend of multiple herbs: supports proper metabolic function. These herbs can be taken daily in the morning. 

Digest strong: Trikatu: promote strong digestion to burn fat and natural toxins. These herbs can be taken after lunch and dinner.

Regular elimination: Triphala: assists with internal cleansing and gently maintains regularity. These herbs can be taken daily, at night before bed.



Warm over cool or cold: Favor warm cooked foods, like Kitchari, that are easier to digest, drink hot or warm beverages that are not cooler than room temperature.

Light & airy over dense and heavy: Build your diet around cooked veggies and fruits which are wonderfully light. All types of cooked veggies are good for you but avoid artichoke, jackfruit, cauliflower, carrots and starchy vegetables which increase bloating and flatulence. Green and black teas which are lighter than coffee can all balance AIR + EARTH types. Fats like olive oil, mustard oil, sesame oil and ghee are good for you. Intake should be between 4-6 tsp per day.

Pungent tastes: Favor spicy & hot foods like chilies, radishes, turnips, raw onions and most spices: cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, garlic, paprika, and turmeric. They cleanse the mouth, stimulate digestion and encourage sweating. As long as not overly fatty or including loads of carbs and cheese, Mexican and Indian foods are your go-tos, especially in Winter.

Bitter tastes: Favor bitter greens like cooked zucchini, spinach, kale, dandelion greens, cabbage, dark chocolate, cumin, saffron and turmeric. The bitter taste is exceptionally drying, helping to absorb moisture, muscle fat and sweat.

Sweet tastes: Lean white meats like chicken and turkey and grains like oats, wheat, brown rice, basmati rice, amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa and barley are good for you. Avoid red meats like pork and beef, cheese, bread and nuts which aggravate a tendency to digest poorly and gain weight. Eliminate refined sugars and other sugary sweet foods like pies, cookies, pastries etc. Your sweetener of choice should be honey (raw, not cooked).


Sour tastes: Avoid foods like vinegar, cheese, sour cream, green grapes, oranges, pineapple, and grapefruits which aggravate AIR + EARTH types as they increase thirst, water retention and swelling. 

Salty tastes: Limit salty tastes as, similar to sour tastes, they increase moisture and oiliness in the body, which AIR + EARTH types have enough of already. 

Astringent tastes: Legumes like beans, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils, raw apples, cranberries, pomegranate, artichoke, broccoli, cauliflower, popcorn and rice cakes are too rough, scraping & drying for the AIR aspect of this type.


*This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.