All disease begins in the gut


70% of our immune system lives in our gut as a way to protect our bodies from the dangerous organisms (parasites, bacteria and viruses) that enter the digestive tract through the food & other things we put into our mouth. ⁣

So imbalances and diseases that seem unrelated to the gut like allergies, arthritis, acne, chronic fatigue, mood disorders and even cancer are actually initiated by what we put into our body. ⁣

Listen to what your gut is telling you... be it bloating, heartburn, excessive gas, or leaky gut, these are all signs of an unbalanced gut flora that should be addressed with a diet that is easy for your Mind & Body Type to digest. ⁣

Take the Mind & Body Type quiz here to get detailed recommendations on the lifestyle, herbs and specific foods that will suit your gut best. ⁣


CareFrance Brunel