Sweet potato smoothie

Sweet potato smoothie.jpg

This Yoom breakfast smoothie is made with Ayurveda’s rockstar ingredient: sweet potato. Unlike dairy products, potatoes, and other common comfort foods like cereal pasta, sweet potatoes feel light in the stomach, while still being nourishing. Rich in ample fiber, complex carbohydrates and beta-carotene, sweetpotatoes can satisfy appetite for long stretches of time. The perfect choice for breakfast!

AiR: Yes I FIRE: Replace almond with coconut milk I EARTH: Replace dates with 1/4 cinnamon in step 1

AIR + FIRE: Yes (w/ replacements) I FIRE + EARTH: Yes (w/ replacements) I AIR + EARTH: Yes(w/

replacements) I AIR + FIRE + EARTH: Yes (w/ replacements)

Serves 2  l  Difficulty: very easy  l  Prep time: 5min  l  Total time: 15min


  • 1 cup peeled & diced sweet potatoes 

  • 1 cup almond milk (Yoom recipe)

  • 2 dates 

  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 

  • ½ tsp cinnamon 



  1. Place sweet potatoes, dates in ½ cup of water in a small pan and bring to boil.

  2. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes or until sweet potatoes are soft.

  3. Blend sweet potatoes with the almond milk and vanilla until smooth. Add more water or milk to make it more liquid, depending on what you prefer. 

  4. Sprinkle cinnamon powder on top and enjoy warm. 

BreakfastFrance Brunel