Leeks Kitchari

So easy and so yummy. This leek kitchari bowl is packed with Vitamin C, K, & E, folic acid, iron and strong antioxidants. Leeks can also help in regulating intestinal function and the motility due to their fiber content which can help in repopulating the right kind of bacteria in the colon. They are able to handle the reduction of the intestinal bloating and aiding the digestion. Moreover, they are often eaten for relieving the symptoms related to the flu, hay fever and cold.

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AIR + FIRE: Yes I FIRE + EARTH: In moderation I AIR + EARTH: Yes I AIR + FIRE + EARTH: Yes

Serves 1  l  Difficulty: easy  l  Prep time: 5min  l Total time: 30min


  • Yoom Kitchari buy here

  • 1 teaspoon ghee (or 2 tsp olive/coconut oil) buy here

  • 3 leek stocks, chopped in 1/4” disks

  • 1/2 lemon

  • Fresh black pepper



  1. In a medium 8” sauce pan, pour Yoom Kitchari in 3.5 cups of boiling water.

  2. On medium-to-high flame, boil for 20-30min stirring occasionally.

  3. Meanwhile, sautée leeks in pan with 1/2 teaspoon of ghee until tender and golden. Cover while sautéing.

  4. Kitchari is ready when it looks like oatmeal.

  5. Serve Kitchari in a bowl and top it off with the sautéed leeks, 1/2 tsp of ghee and fresh black pepper.

  6. Bon appetit!