Mind-body rituals


In addition to Kitchari meals, the Whole Mind-Body Reset gives you access to 4 guided rituals that nourish your ‘inner happy’ with short, snackable everyday practices — each designed to support your state of mind & quality of emotions.

Access all guided rituals by scanning the QR codes included inside your Whole Mind-Body Reset box!

  1. The art of mindful eating: 3-min guided meditation to practice mindful eating and enjoy its benefits on your gut, cravings, eating habits and the quality of your self-talk.

  2. Body Reset: 3 easy & tremendously enjoyable self-care practices that, along with eating Kitchari, support your body’s natural ability to reset itself.

  3. Mind Reset: A short guided meditation & breath work conceived to nurture your inner world by releasing tension and enjoying inner silence

  4. Soul Reset: 5-min free-form movement practice designed to non-verbally process emotions that may be stuck in the body and soul.


CareFrance BrunelCleanse