6 healthy foods to watch out for



Despite our best efforts to eat all the right foods, most of us still feel sluggish, bloated, brain fogged and less than our best self, on the daily. That may be because we eat a lot of the foods deemed ‘healthy’ for all without considering if we’re able to digest them or not. Instead, choose foods based on your ability to digest them (free of bloat, gas, heartburn, fatigue, brain fog etc.) rather than based on if they are deemed 'healthy' or not. Why? Because, when you eat good food and digest it well, you build good, nutrient rich blood that feeds your vital organs properly and you’re whole mind-body system functions optimally.

Here are healthy foods that are hard on digestion, ones that are friendlier on the gut and simple tips for getting the most out of your healthy diet so you can feel light, nourished and energized after each, and every meal.


🥬 Raw food & green juices: particularly difficult to digest & requires more of your body’s energy to break down! They may contain more nutrient value at the start but since they are harder to digest, you're not able to benefit from their nutrients
🥜 Nuts: are heavy to digest and can be very heating, causing excessive body heat and skin conditions
🍏 Apple cider vinegar: cleans toxins in your body but can damage the protective mucus lining of your gut and can burn your insides
Probiotics: when not needed, they cause excessive body heat and in people with weak digestion, they can cause gas, bloating and more indigestion.
🍺 Kombucha or other fermented foods: can cause inflammation, as well as gas & bloating
🍑 Fruit with meals: when consumed with other foods, it ferments in the gut causing gas & bloating


If you feel crummy when eating healthy because, often times, the healthy foods you eat are too much work for our digestive system — putting a burden on your gut and taking up a lot of your body’s energy as your digestive system tries to break them down. Try these easy-to-digest foods:
🌟 Broths & soups
🌟 Stews
♥️ Kitchari (Ayurveda’s staple superfood)
🌟 Roasted vegetables
🌟 Warm grain cereal for breakfast


Make new choices that will change the way you feel after meals:
✨ Eat at the same times, everyday
✨ Eat mainly cooked foods
✨ Make lunch the biggest meal of the day
✨ Cook with spices
✨ Eat ONLY when relaxed
✨ Eat 2 cupped handfuls at every meal ⁣⁣⁣


France Brunel